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Farmers block highway access roads on the A4 and A72

A tractor is reflected in a rear-view mirror / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
A tractor is reflected in a rear-view mirror / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

Saxon farmers continued their protests against the federal government's austerity measures on Thursday. Around 300 tractors were on the road across the state, said Robert Erdmann from the LSV (Land schafft Verbindung) association in the morning. According to the statement, slip roads on the A4 in the Bautzen and Görlitz area and in the Erzgebirge on the A72 will be blocked. Spontaneous demonstrations are also planned.

The farmers' protests are directed against planned subsidy cuts by the federal government. The tax concessions on agricultural diesel are to be gradually abolished. The fact that the coalition government has withdrawn some of its plans for cuts is not enough for farmers.

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