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Skilled workers in Saxony: Dulig welcomes plans for immigration law

A baker shapes dough in the bakery on a countertop dusted with flour / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa/Symbolbild
A baker shapes dough in the bakery on a countertop dusted with flour / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa/Symbolbild

Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig has welcomed the draft law on the immigration of skilled workers passed by the German government. "Progress needs skilled workers and for this we must pull out all the stops, including here in Saxony. On the one hand, we need to better leverage domestic potential, especially through massively strengthened education and training. And on the other hand, we need additional qualified immigration from abroad," said the SPD politician on Wednesday in Dresden.

The German government agreed on Wednesday on new rules for the immigration of skilled workers. The bill passed by the cabinet for this purpose is intended to make Germany more attractive for qualified workers. In addition to various simplifications - such as family reunification and the recognition of professional qualifications - the draft includes the introduction of a so-called "opportunity card", based on a points system. The criteria taken into account in calculating the number of points include language skills, professional experience, age and reference to Germany.

According to Dulig, this would eliminate high entry hurdles in the future. This would be good for Saxony as a business location. "The planned facilitation of immigration law creates significantly improved opportunities for the immigration of professionally qualified people," Dulig said. These are precisely the skilled workers and employees who are most in demand in Saxony, he said. The Free State thus has "a good starting position for all Saxon companies that want to".

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