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State Center for Political Education opens in Chemnitz

The Saxon State Center for Political Education in Dresden (Saxony), photographed on 26.03.2015. / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa
The Saxon State Center for Political Education in Dresden (Saxony), photographed on 26.03.2015. / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa

The State Center for Political Education wants to have a stronger presence outside of Dresden. To this end, a second location is now being opened in Chemnitz with a view to the Capital of Culture year 2025.

The State Center for Political Education is opening a project office in Chemnitz and plans to offer discussions, workshops, educational trips and conferences there in future. This is the first time in the 33-year history of the state center that it has had a second location in addition to its headquarters in Dresden, according to a statement on Tuesday. The project office will move into rooms directly behind the Marx Monument in the city center and will open on Thursday. Two employees will be working there from now on.

With a view to Chemnitz becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2025, the state headquarters intends to focus primarily on European policy formats in the new premises. This will involve international networking and dialog. The focus will be on Central and Eastern Europe, explained Director Roland Löffler. This also includes security and peace policy issues. "We want to invite prominent voices to Chemnitz in order to better understand the perspectives of other countries." Up to 20 events are already planned for this year.

The project office is initially intended to run until the end of 2025. In the future, the plan is to establish a European Academy, it was said. This would strengthen the topic of Central and Eastern Europe and ensure a sustainable presence in Chemnitz. The project office is also intended to contribute to bringing the educational offerings of the regional center closer to the regions. "We want to reach citizens throughout Saxony with our offers," emphasized Löffler.

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