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Media: Casar moves from Halle FC to Dynamo Dresden

A corner flag with the SG Dynamo Dresden logo stands at a corner of the stadium / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A corner flag with the SG Dynamo Dresden logo stands at a corner of the stadium / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Shortly after the dismissal of coach Sreto Ristic, the struggling third-division soccer club Hallescher FC has made its next personnel decision. Midfielder Aljaz Casar will leave the club when his contract expires at the end of the season, according to unanimous media reports from "Bild" and MDR. The 23-year-old will join league rivals Dynamo Dresden on a free transfer from the current 17th-placed team in the table. Casar has played for HFC since 2022, making 30 appearances for the Saxony-Anhalt side and scoring one goal.

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