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Dynamo Dresden loan Shcherbakovski to Cottbus

Jan Shcherbakovski / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Jan Shcherbakovski / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Jan Shcherbakovski cannot assert himself at Dynamo Dresden. He is therefore loaned out to Cottbus. He already knows the club.

Dynamo Dresden have found a buyer for Jan Shcherbakovski. As the third division club announced on Tuesday, the 22-year-old is once again moving to regional league club FC Energie Cottbus on loan. The loan is for six months.

"The situation surrounding Jan has not changed since the summer. We can't guarantee him any playing time at the moment. In Cottbus, he now has the opportunity to showcase and develop his skills through playing time," said Dynamo's sporting director Ralf Becker.

Shcherbakovski came to Dresden from Halle FC in the summer of 2022, but was never able to establish himself on the Elbe. As a result, he was loaned out to Cottbus last season. In 16 games, he scored three goals and made five assists. He also played with the Lusatians in the promotion relegation to the 3rd division, which they lost to Unterhaching.

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