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Lawsuit against ban on assembly after radical leftist "Day X" in Leipzig

A figure of the blind Justice. / Photo: Sonja Wurtscheid/dpa/Symbolbild
A figure of the blind Justice. / Photo: Sonja Wurtscheid/dpa/Symbolbild

An activist from Fridays for Future files a lawsuit against the ban on gatherings on the radical leftist "Day X."

The comprehensive ban on gatherings on the radical left-wing "Day X" in Leipzig is getting a legal aftermath. An activist from the climate protection group Fridays for Future has filed a complaint with the Administrative Court of Leipzig against the ban on a spontaneous meeting on June 3. The climate activists are convinced that the ban was illegal, Fridays for Future announced on Tuesday.

After the police had surrounded hundreds of people on June 3 after the escalation of an authorized demo, several activists from Fridays for Future had reported a spontaneous protest meeting under the slogan "Solidarity with those affected by police measures and against any further police violence." The city of Leipzig prohibited the rally.

The "Day X" was a reaction of the left-wing scene to the verdict in the trial against the left-wing extremist Lina E. It had been mobilized nationwide for this. The security authorities feared riots. The city of Leipzig had responded with a far-reaching ban on gatherings.

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