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Rental prices for agricultural land well below the national average

Combine harvester harvesting rapeseed in a field / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolic image
Combine harvester harvesting rapeseed in a field / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolic image

Farmers in Bavaria leased two thirds of the agricultural land used in 2023. The prices for this are comparatively low. The front-runner NRW paid more than twice as much.

Rent prices for agricultural land in Saxony remain well below the national average. Last year, the annual fee per hectare was 214 euros, compared to 357 euros nationwide, according to the Federal Statistical Office on Friday. Across Germany, this was an increase of 28 euros compared to 2020. In Saxony, the increase was 17 euros.

There were major regional differences. While Saarland had the lowest average lease fee at 99 euros, North Rhine-Westphalia had the highest at 560 euros. The fees in Lower Saxony (548), Schleswig-Holstein (479) and Bavaria (415) were also significantly higher than the national average. All eastern German states were below this.

In Saxony, by far the largest proportion of agricultural land was leased in 2023. This category accounted for 598,100 of the total 897,200 hectares. 287,800 hectares were owned by the farms. There was also a small proportion of land made available free of charge.

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