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Lufthansa strike: flight cancellations in Dresden and Leipzig/Halle

A Lufthansa aircraft is being prepared for take-off at Leipzig-Halle Airport in the morning / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
A Lufthansa aircraft is being prepared for take-off at Leipzig-Halle Airport in the morning / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The strike by Lufthansa cabin crew will also lead to flight cancellations at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports on Tuesday. Four flights will be canceled in Dresden and six in Leipzig/Halle, according to the respective flight schedules. Connections to and from Frankfurt are also affected. The strike by the cabin crew union Ufo began on Tuesday morning and is expected to continue on Wednesday.

Ufo is demanding a 15 percent pay rise for the approximately 18,000 cabin crew at Lufthansa and the almost 1,000 employees of the regional subsidiary Lufthansa Cityline over a contract period of 18 months. The union also wants an inflation adjustment bonus of 3,000 euros and higher bonuses. At the same time, Lufthansa is still engaged in wage disputes with Verdi for ground staff, among others.

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