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That's why the ID.3 remains a Saxon

VW ID.3 (Image: Volkswagen AG)
VW ID.3 (Image: Volkswagen AG)

Volkswagen recently made a significant decision regarding the production plans for the ID.3 electric model. The original plan was for the main plant in Wolfsburg to start production of the ID.3 in addition to Zwickau in Saxony. These plans have now been canceled, meaning that the ID.3 will continue to be manufactured exclusively in Saxony.

The decision against the planned overflow production in Wolfsburg, which had already been delayed, was made against the backdrop of lower demand for the first model of the MEB electric platform than originally assumed. A spokesperson for the Group explained on Friday in Wolfsburg that the start of assembly at the main plant planned for the summer will not take place. Instead, the volume of the ID.3 will continue to be bundled in Zwickau in order to effectively utilize the already fully scaffolded site there.

This reorientation reflects a strategic decision explained by VW Board Member for Production Christian Vollmer in an interview with the "Braunschweiger Zeitung" newspaper: "The bottom line is that every euro that we don't necessarily have to spend counts." Originally, production of the ID.3 in Wolfsburg was intended to serve political interests and create additional capacity for the model. However, reality has overtaken the plans: demand for the ID.3 has fallen short of expectations, which is why even temporary contracts for temporary workers in Saxony have not been extended and production has been scaled back.

The decision not to relocate production of the ID.3 to Wolfsburg therefore represents a positive turnaround for the Zwickau site. The existing capacities are sufficient to meet current demand, which strengthens the location and underlines the focus on electromobility in Saxony. VW is thus following a trend that Audi is also demonstrating with the production of the MEB SUV Q4 e-tron, whose overflow production has also been adjusted.

In Wolfsburg, on the other hand, Volkswagen is continuing to focus on the production of combustion and hybrid models for the time being. Despite turning away from additional ID.3 production, Vollmer is optimistic that the Wolfsburg plant will remain well utilized due to the production of strong models such as the Golf and Tiguan and could even exceed the production mark of 500,000 vehicles in the current year.

This strategic course correction at Volkswagen underlines the importance of Zwickau as the center of the Group's electric mobility in Germany and secures the site a key role in VW's electric offensive. The ID.3 thus remains a true Saxon, strengthens the regional economy and consolidates Saxony's position as a leading location for electric car production.

Image details:
 ID.3 Pro S - power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 14.9; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 0; only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicle02. ID.3 - power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.2-15.1; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 0; only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicle. Information on fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions in ranges depending on the selected vehicle equipment

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