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Fridays for Future: How it started and why it's cool to be part of it!

Symbol image Greta Thunberg / pixabay Kevin_Snyman
Symbol image Greta Thunberg / pixabay Kevin_Snyman

From lone protests in front of the Swedish Parliament to worldwide demos, learn how Greta Thunberg's strike launched Fridays for Future and why it's cool to be part of the solution!

Hey, bro! If you've ever wondered what's behind all this "Fridays for Future" (FFF) hype, then sit back, relax, and let me drop you the story!

Starting in Sweden

It all started with this Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg. Imagine it's summer 2018, and while many of us are thinking what filter to use for our next Insta-Pic, Greta is sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament with her homemade sign "Skolstrejk för klimatet" (which means "School strike for climate"). She skipped class, but not to gamble or chill, but because she wanted to tell the adults, "Hey, our future is burning, do something!"

Gone viral

Greta's action quickly went viral. Because honestly, what teenager doesn't dream of skipping school for a day, but at the same time for 'ne good cause? Thanks to social media, the spark jumped and became a global fire. Suddenly kids all over the world joined in and demonstrated for the climate. FFF was born!

Why it matters

Here's the Tea: Climate change is real, and it's happening now. The poles are melting faster than your ice in the summer, and weather extremes are becoming more blatant. This isn't a Netflix show, it's our lives. And while many adults push the problem along like a bad homework assignment, the kids at FFF say, "No more!" It's about taking action before it's too late.

Join in!

Fridays for Future isn't just 'a demonstration,' it's 'a movement!' Whether you're demonstrating, tweeting out, or just talking about it with your friends, everyone can help spread the word and make change.

So, if you're up for doing some good and writing History at the same time, now's the time, bro! Because, as Greta says, "Our house is on fire" and it's time to call the fire department. 🔥✌️

PS: Next date - Global Climate Strike on September 15

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