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International Dixieland Festival in Dresden kicks off with a family festival at the zoo

Hippopotamus Dixie, the mascot of the Dresden Dixieland Festival, travels by trailer to the traditional family festival at Dresden Zoo on Sunday (15.05.2011). / Photo: Matthias Hiekel/dpa/Archivbild
Hippopotamus Dixie, the mascot of the Dresden Dixieland Festival, travels by trailer to the traditional family festival at Dresden Zoo on Sunday (15.05.2011). / Photo: Matthias Hiekel/dpa/Archivbild

Family festival at the zoo as a prelude to the jazz festival with bands from ten countries

The International Dixieland Festival in Dresden begins on Sunday with a family festival at the zoo. According to the organizers, the traditional kick-off in sight of elephants, leopards, flamingos and giraffes will allow people to dance, clap, snap their fingers and swing to jazz in the open air.

The 52nd edition of the spectacle will see 38 bands and soloists from ten countries perform at various locations in the city on the Elbe until Whitsun. A total of 44 events will offer around 250 hours of traditional jazz live, half of which is free of charge. The guests range from the Mama Shakers from France to the Louis Armstrong Celebration Band from the Netherlands and Soko Dixie from Austria.

In addition to other classics such as the Riverboat Shuffle on the Elbe with "Dixie meets Baroque" or the boogie "living room concert", the program also includes novelties such as a "Dixie Pub" or "Electro meets Dixie on the Dancefloor" for younger audiences. And under the motto "Life Artists", jazz musicians will once again play for people with disabilities to dance in the open air.

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