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Saxony's Economics Minister Dulig supports aid project in Ukraine

Martin Dulig (SPD), Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Martin Dulig (SPD), Minister of Economic Affairs of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony's Economics Minister Martin Dulig travels to Ukraine to support an aid project and emphasizes the importance of peace.

Saxony's Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) has traveled to Ukraine with an aid project from his constituency. In an interview with MDR-Sachsenspiegel on Thursday evening, he made it clear that he had made the trip as a private individual. "I am very moved by this war (...) If everyone can contribute a little bit, we can also bring a little bit of peace on a small scale."

According to Dulig, the "Partnership for Eastern Europe" association from Coswig near Dresden was already involved in Ukraine before the war. They traveled to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv to support various initiatives, including a school, a shelter for the homeless and a children's home. In the meantime, many people from eastern Ukraine have found shelter in the west of the country. A lot of help is now needed here.

Dulig reported on a visit to a German school in Lviv on Wednesday, where the children had to continue their lessons in the basement due to an air raid. The war was omnipresent and part of everyday life, he said, and people should not get used to it. Dulig's family had taken in refugees from Ukraine after the start of the Russian war of aggression.

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