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Sorbian Easter egg exhibition at the Winckelmann Museum in Stendal

Colorful Easter eggs with Sorbian patterns and ornaments. / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa
Colorful Easter eggs with Sorbian patterns and ornaments. / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa

At Easter time, the Winckelmann Museum in Stendal is showing an exhibition on Sorbian Easter eggs.

The Winckelmann Museum in Stendal is dedicating an exhibition to the tradition of Sorbian Easter eggs for this year's Easter celebrations. After the opening on Wednesday, the exhibition "Magic and painting around the egg. Sorbian Easter Eggs" will be on display in the museum's small gallery until April 7.

According to the museum, the particularly elaborate decoration of Easter eggs is an integral part of Sorbian Easter customs and is known far beyond the borders of Lusatia. An unusual painting technique is used - the result is usually brightly colored filigree patterns and ornaments. In many cases, they have a symbolic meaning that is derived from the mystical-religious interpretation of the egg as the origin of life, according to the statement.

The exhibits in the exhibition come from the Easter Egg Museum of the Lusatian Heritage Association in Sabrodt, a district of the municipality of Elsterheide in Saxony. The focus of the exhibits is on traditional Sorbian decoration techniques,

The Stendal Museum in honor of the archaeologist Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717-1768) was opened in 1955 on the site of his birthplace. According to the museum, it is dedicated to the life and work of its namesake.

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