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Meijer-van Mensch leaves Ethnographic Collections

Dresden: The director of the State Ethnographic Collections in Saxony is leaving Saxony to return to her native Netherlands.  / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Dresden: The director of the State Ethnographic Collections in Saxony is leaving Saxony to return to her native Netherlands. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The Dresden State Art Collections are facing another change of personnel. After General Director Ackermann, the head of the Enthnographic Collections is also taking up another post.

Léontine Meijer-van Mensch (51) will be leaving her position as Director of the State Ethnographic Collections of Saxony (SES) this fall after almost six years and returning to her native Netherlands. The SES, which is part of the Dresden State Art Collections (SKD), comprises the ethnographic museums in Leipzig (Grassi Museum), Dresden and Herrnhut. According to the SKD, Meijer-van Mensch is moving to Rotterdam as founding director of the new city museum.

Together with her team and many partners, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch has achieved a great deal in the three Saxon ethnological museums in recent years. For example, she has played a leading role in the debate on the future of the ethnological museums. "Léontine Meijer-van Mensch has also campaigned strongly for repatriation and restitution and initiated a public debate on the return of looted objects to their societies of origin."

Meijer-van Mensch admitted to leaving the three Saxon museums with a "wistful heart". "I am very grateful for everything we have achieved together. But I am also leaving the museums with peace of mind because I know that my colleagues and all network partners are the true strength of the museum," emphasized the outgoing director. Before working in Saxony, she was, among other things, Program Director of the Jewish Museums Berlin and Deputy Director of the Museum of European Cultures in Berlin.

At the beginning of the week, the move of SKD Director General Marion Ackermann (59) to Berlin had already been announced. She will take over as President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) next year. She was appointed by the SPK Foundation Council in Berlin as the successor to Hermann Parzinger (65).

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