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Opening of the visitor center in Chemnitz in preparation for the European Capital of Culture 2025

View of the new headquarters of the European Capital of Culture 2025 / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
View of the new headquarters of the European Capital of Culture 2025 / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Former factory building to be converted into a visitor center for the European Capital of Culture 2025

Eight months before the start of the European Capital of Culture year, the future visitor center will be handed over in Chemnitz on Friday (10:00 a.m.). This will build a bridge from the city's history as the "Saxon Manchester" to its role as European Capital of Culture 2025 - because a former factory hall of locomotive manufacturer Richard Hartmann has been converted for the visitor center. It is located on the Chemnitz river and will also serve as the headquarters of the Capital of Culture.

After the ceremonial handover of the keys in the morning, interested parties can take a look inside the building at an open day from 4.00 to 8.30 pm. There will also be a stage program with music. The Hartmannfabrik will also be open on Saturday (May 4) for Museum Night from 6.00 pm to midnight. Guided tours of the history are then planned.

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